
Enzymes and acid… the friend and foe battling YOU to death?
Almost all mammals including humans digest food in one of two ways. There is a preferred, highly efficient and “easy on the body” way to digest..........

10 Ways To Avoid Bloating After Eating
In almost all cases, our research indicates bloating is caused by one thing. ACID DAMAGE to your stomach valves. This makes them seal when they are not supposed to............

Why Do You Bloat Every Time You Eat?
For many, after the age of 30, belly bloating is becoming a regular part of life, but it doesn’t have to be. To fix the problem, first we need to understand what causes bloating..........

8 reasons you feel bloated all the time
When it comes to bloating, there are a few things you’re probably doing without realizing it that make you feel bloated all the time. Learning what you’re doing wrong........

Preparing For Food Loving Holidays
When it comes to holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, eating without a flare can be like walking a tight rope. Planning your day is extremely important.....

8 reasons you feel bloated all the time
When it comes to bloating, there are a few things you’re probably doing without realizing it that make you feel bloated all the time. Learning what you’re doing wrong........
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