Why Do You Bloat Every Time You Eat?
For many, after the age of 30, belly bloating is becoming a regular part of life, but it doesn’t have to be. To fix the problem, first we need to understand what causes bloating.
You have two valves that help food move through the digestive tract on either side of the stomach. One to allow food to enter from the esophagus and another to allow it to pass into intestines. Your body produces stomach acid when you digest food or you’re stressed and over the years, that stomach acid can damage these delicate valves. When they get damaged they become stiff and don’t want to open and close properly and the gases produced during digestion become trapped and you’re not able to burp to release the trapped gas.
This can be very painful and may even lead to more serious conditions if left unaddressed.
What can be done about it?
There are two main ways to address stomach bloat.
1️⃣. Eat according to the Rachel’s Tea Food grouping plan. It’s available on rachelstea.com 100% free of cost for the digital book. This diet promotes enzyme digestion instead of stomach acid digestion. And allows your body time to recover naturally by removing the constant stomach acid flow into your digestive tract.
2️⃣. Use a few supplements to help cool and soothe the damaged valves to get them moving again. Rachels Tea Peppermint Gels and Rachels Digestive Relief Tea are designed to calm and soothe the valves that are stiff and uncomfortable quickly to provide relief and fight inflammation.
Our clients that report the best results for bloating relief long term prefer a mix of both methods. Follow the food grouping program to help reduce acid flow in the body, drink the Digestive Relief Tea daily and use peppermint gels as needed when bloating sets in.
Bloat can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, painful and even dangerous. Protecting your body and addressing bloating at the first signs of discomfort help you feel confident, maintain your quality of life and eat without fear of the consequences. Rachelstea.com is a small family business that is available to help talk about your situation and help you choose the best route for your budget and lifestyle to feel great after meals, and we always encourage you to do your own independent research, read reviews and investigate us before spending any money or doing our programs. We are here to help you feel great and want to help in any way we can to make sure bloating is just a memory for you.
Disclaimer: Although this method works for others, and for me I cannot be sure of the reason any individual person has bloating. This is not medical advice and is not a substitute for medical advice or medical attention when it is needed. You may or may not experience the results I described. If your digestive issue is serious, of course you need to consult your doctor regarding this method or any other self-treatment you are considering.
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