
Why would I do a liquid diet?
Our advice for anyone entering a flare-up, an attack, or just having a period of time where their digestive problems starts to get ..................

Catalyst Foods Explained
As some of you who follow us already know, Mike’s research based theory is that our bodies are meant to digest almost all...................

How does tea help a digestive problem?
This is a great question and believe me, I am going to give you a short to the point answer. Not only that, but the finest..................

Every time I eat I feel! Why, and what can I do?
Not every stomach ache or other symptom is a cause for alarm, but this article will give you the main reasons we feel...................

I get acid reflux at night… what do I do?
Would you believe that acid reflux may be affected by what you eat, supplements you take, and even a couple of evening..................

My belly is feeling bloated and looks distended
Almost everyone suffering with over-acidification (heartburn, excessive gas, acid reflux, etc.) experiences ..................

Do digestive disorders run in families?
This will be a very short article and will not only answer the question regarding digestive disorder DNA, but ..................

What can I do for excessive yeast (Thrush, yeast infections, candida imbalance, candidiasis)?
Millions of people now suffer from candida albicans overrun, which is often referred to by one of the names ..................

I get diarrhea when I am stressed. What can I do?
For the last few decades, digestive disorders including diarrhea have become epidemic. One form or symptom ..................

Supplements, diet, or a combination of both for digestive relief?
We believe we have the most effective, accurate, and well researched, science based diet in existence for digestive..................
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I'm having a flare up, and my weight is already too low, what now?

Catalyst Foods Explained

How does tea help a digestive problem?
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