10 Ways To Avoid Bloating After Eating
In almost all cases, our research indicates bloating is caused by one thing. ACID DAMAGE to your stomach valves. This makes them seal when they are not supposed to. This is why we focus heavily on reducing the amount of acid your body is producing.
Here are the 10 ways you can combat stomach acid for good.
- Keep your meals predominantly protein OR carbohydrate based. Your natural digestive enzymes don’t digest those two nutrients efficiently together so that mix causes additional stomach acid production to aid in digestion. A free full item by item, meal by meal method to easily do this can be found at this link.
- Try to eliminate carbonated drinks, especially during or close to eating a meal. When your stomach valves (two of them, one above and one below) are sealed, volume is everything and carbonation fills your sealed stomach like a balloon.
- Try to reduce drinking more than a cup or so of any liquid during meals. Again, volume is everything but in addition to that, liquids tend to dilute your digestive fluids and keep your stomach full much longer. Drink, drink, drink, but not during meals.
- Avoid alcohol during meals. While beer is the worst due to its carbonation, any alcohol is harsh on already sealed/damaged stomach valves. If you are going to drink alcohol, use the protocol found in the FREE book download on rachelstea.com, but also keep alcohol drinking separate from meals by an hour or two and you will do much better.
- There is an oil that temporarily opens the closed stomach valves, giving relief in minutes… peppermint oil. Most peppermint oil is not meant for consuming but pharmaceutical grade oil, like what’s found at rachelstea.com soothes and cools the damage valves allowing them to open and close normally.
- Reduce the volume of food you eat at a meal by 20% You can keep eating as much as you like during a day, but during a given meal, stop eating at 75% to 80% of your normal amount. Again, volume is everything and once those valves are sealed shut, every extra bite or sip can cause more discomfort.
- Most people are, if not allergic, are at least sensitive to a food or two (or several). By now you should know which foods make you feel bloated, full, or just uncomfortable. The odd thing is that while most of us know our food sensitivities, we tend to keep eating those foods. My Achilles heel was beer and pizza. That combination used to “kill” me. I no longer eat pizza with beer and guess what? All my worst bloating was eliminated with one decision.
- Try a digestive relief tea. I tried all the health food store and grocery store “stomach” or “digestive” teas I could find and none of them worked. The exception is Rachel’s Digestive Relief Tea. It’s not “cheap” but it works and for me and others did not.
- Keep your PH higher (alkaline) by periodic use of calcium carbonate (generic or brand name chewables like Tums TM). Calcium carbonate is not absorbed well by the body so this is a good choice to use when you don’t need a calcium supplement but need to raise your PH. If you have bone density issues, calcium gluconate or calcium citrate are better choices.
- Don’t eat within two hours of going to bed. Those with bloating almost always have night acid, and night acid is best reduced by going to bed with an empty stomach. Go to bed with an empty stomach and take calcium carbonate chewables if necessary and you will reduce bloating and sleep better as well.
I know this is a lot to take in. As you read these “fixes” keep in mind that a person does not need to do all 10 suggestions. You may however “see” your problem in a few of them and decide to try to fix it “DIY!” For info on the diet I mentioned, the tea, or the peppermint oil instructions, and for other real working suggestions for many more symptoms, explore: rachelstea.com
Disclaimer: Although this method works for others, and for me I cannot be sure of the reason any individual person has bloating. This is not medical advice and is not a substitute for medical advice or medical attention when it is needed. You may or may not experience the results I described. If your digestive issue is serious, of course you need to consult your doctor regarding this method or any other self-treatment you are considering.
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