Here is where things get interesting. You’ve been taught that there are two forms of digestion, one is healthy and non-damaging, the other is hydrochloric acid digestion. In the U.S, U.K, AU, and CAN we’ve all (doctors included) have all forgotten that enzyme digestion is good and acid digestion is potentially corrosive. Enzymes are designed to gently digest food and extract its nutrition. The opposite of this highly efficient and harmless enzyme digestion is hydrochloric acid digestion, which can be so harmful to many internal systems and tissues.
You may ask: why doesn’t my body simply choose enzymes to digest my food all the time instead of allowing stomach acid to damage my health? Here’s our researched based theory: Digestive enzymes are not compatible with complicated meals (meals containing specific foods we call catalyst foods)all types of food. Yes, youYou need a broad nutritional base… Carbs, proteins, fats, oils, vegetables etc… But we can modify our meals slightly or our supplement intake and put ourselves in total control of whether we digest with enzymes or continue to torture ourselves with acid digestion.
Unintentionally, you are forcing your body to use acid digestion and flooding your entire digestive tract with acid with every meal and snack. We believe this corrodes and deteriorates the delicate valves, protective mucosal linings, and in severe cases, intestinal walls and tissues that weren’t designed for this much acid exposure. Over time we believe this leads to symptoms like bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and for some, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, colitis/UC, and Crohn’s.

Here is where things get interesting. You’ve been taught that there are two forms of digestion, one is healthy and non-damaging, the other is hydrochloric acid digestion. In the U.S, U.K, AU, and CAN we’ve all (doctors included) have all forgotten that enzyme digestion is good and acid digestion is potentially corrosive. Enzymes are designed to gently digest food and extract its nutrition. The opposite of this highly efficient and harmless enzyme digestion is hydrochloric acid digestion, which can be so harmful to many internal systems and tissues.

You may ask: why doesn’t my body simply choose enzymes to digest my food all the time instead of allowing stomach acid to damage my health? Here’s our researched based theory: Digestive enzymes are not compatible with complicated meals (meals containing specific foods we call catalyst foods)all types of food. Yes, youYou need a broad nutritional base… Carbs, proteins, fats, oils, vegetables etc… But we can modify our meals slightly or our supplement intake and put ourselves in total control of whether we digest with enzymes or continue to torture ourselves with acid digestion.
Unintentionally, you are forcing your body to use acid digestion and flooding your entire digestive tract with acid with every meal and snack. We believe this corrodes and deteriorates the delicate valves, protective mucosal linings, and in severe cases, intestinal walls and tissues that weren’t designed for this much acid exposure. Over time we believe this leads to symptoms like bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and for some, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, colitis/UC, and Crohn’s.

4 Slippery Elm, 1 Rachel's Pro Turmeric Blend & 1 Rachel's PRO 100

Rachel's Pro Turmeric Blend (2 Pack)
I get diarrhea when I am stressed. What can I do?
For the last few decades, digestive disorders including diarrhea have become epidemic. One form or symptom of digestive disorders is diarrhea. While not overly pleasant to talk about, diarrhea used to be a fairly uncommon issue and was almost always easily reversed with a simple technique or two, or even simply waiting a day or two for it to end.
Those days are gone. We have helped people rid themselves of diarrhea who have suffered for years, even after physician care. We know a couple of things about diarrhea most people don’t. Please give us a couple of minutes to show you how.
Some likely causes of diarrhea:
- Intestinal flora imbalance
- Infection
- Illness
- OTC, prescription, and illicit drug use
- Stress onset diarrhea
- Over acidification of the digestive tract
Before we get to solutions, let me warn you of serious concerns regarding diarrhea:
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte depletion
- Malnutrition
- Death from one of the above
Yes, not to be a doomsayer, but diarrhea is serious, especially if it lasts more than three days. Believe it or not, we have helped people with multi-year diarrhea, when no one else could. If you have diarrhea lasting more than three days we not only suggest a doctor visit, but appropriate supplementation. There are two types of supplementation for diarrhea. Diarrhea ending protocols, and nutrition/electrolyte replacement. Both are equally important. Extreme electrolyte depletion and malnutrition are potentially fatal.
Ok enough gloom and doom. Let’s talk about what you can successfully do. It gets a little tricky because proper supplementation and treatment of diarrhea requires diagnosis to decide “why” you have diarrhea.
Possible causes of diarrhea (to figure this out yourself) include:
- Recent or ongoing use of medications with diarrhea as a listed side effect. (no one reads those data sheets but we should. Often a medication can cause diarrhea) if your diarrhea is medication related, consult your doctor.
- Stress related. Stress causes significant changes in the body including glucose, acid production, hormone changes, intestinal PH lowering, and others.
- Antibiotic use.
- Digestive tract imbalance due to illness
With all these possibilities, I have to allow you to decide what the most likely cause is of your diarrhea and give you some tools to use all of or some of to recover.
If you think your diarrhea may be medicine or antibiotic use related, we believe the best recovery option is probiotics. The best is Rachels Pro Berry Chewables, because they are acid resistant which means they are less susceptible to digestive acid and stress related acid, since these factors destroy other probiotics.
If you think your diarrhea is stress related, the best option is a top quality Turmeric Root supplement like Rachel’s Turmeric Extract, along with probiotics if the problem has existed for more than a week or two. Long time frames of stress induced acidification will tend to kill off existing digestive flora just like antibiotics do, but unlike antibiotics, the die off is due to low PH. So again, Rachel’s Pro Berry is the best.
The Pain Free Foods books have some small eating suggestions to help reverse diarrhea faster as well.
Note: Everyone experiencing diarrhea for more than three days should do the following:
- See your doctor if you can
- Drink two or more quarts/liters of water per day and more with each diarrhea episode
- Take an electrolyte supplement.
The best electrolyte supplement we have found is Rachel’s “Effer C” but most grocery stores carry a child’s electrolyte supplement called “Pedialyte” which is a drink. This works well as do the generic equivalents but they are more expensive than Effer C.
Disclaimer: Not everyone has food allergies or sensitivities for the same reason or will experience the same result with this protocol. We are not doctors, nor are these facts reviewed by the FDA or doctors. We are presenting our theories and experience to show you what has worked for us and others using our strategies. Your condition is not known to us and you should not follow us if in doing so you are avoiding medical advice or treatment.
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4 Slippery Elm, 1 Rachel's Pro Turmeric Blend & 1 Rachel's PRO 100