Here is where things get interesting. You’ve been taught that there are two forms of digestion, one is healthy and non-damaging, the other is hydrochloric acid digestion. In the U.S, U.K, AU, and CAN we’ve all (doctors included) have all forgotten that enzyme digestion is good and acid digestion is potentially corrosive. Enzymes are designed to gently digest food and extract its nutrition. The opposite of this highly efficient and harmless enzyme digestion is hydrochloric acid digestion, which can be so harmful to many internal systems and tissues.
You may ask: why doesn’t my body simply choose enzymes to digest my food all the time instead of allowing stomach acid to damage my health? Here’s our researched based theory: Digestive enzymes are not compatible with complicated meals (meals containing specific foods we call catalyst foods)all types of food. Yes, youYou need a broad nutritional base… Carbs, proteins, fats, oils, vegetables etc… But we can modify our meals slightly or our supplement intake and put ourselves in total control of whether we digest with enzymes or continue to torture ourselves with acid digestion.
Unintentionally, you are forcing your body to use acid digestion and flooding your entire digestive tract with acid with every meal and snack. We believe this corrodes and deteriorates the delicate valves, protective mucosal linings, and in severe cases, intestinal walls and tissues that weren’t designed for this much acid exposure. Over time we believe this leads to symptoms like bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and for some, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, colitis/UC, and Crohn’s.

Here is where things get interesting. You’ve been taught that there are two forms of digestion, one is healthy and non-damaging, the other is hydrochloric acid digestion. In the U.S, U.K, AU, and CAN we’ve all (doctors included) have all forgotten that enzyme digestion is good and acid digestion is potentially corrosive. Enzymes are designed to gently digest food and extract its nutrition. The opposite of this highly efficient and harmless enzyme digestion is hydrochloric acid digestion, which can be so harmful to many internal systems and tissues.

You may ask: why doesn’t my body simply choose enzymes to digest my food all the time instead of allowing stomach acid to damage my health? Here’s our researched based theory: Digestive enzymes are not compatible with complicated meals (meals containing specific foods we call catalyst foods)all types of food. Yes, youYou need a broad nutritional base… Carbs, proteins, fats, oils, vegetables etc… But we can modify our meals slightly or our supplement intake and put ourselves in total control of whether we digest with enzymes or continue to torture ourselves with acid digestion.
Unintentionally, you are forcing your body to use acid digestion and flooding your entire digestive tract with acid with every meal and snack. We believe this corrodes and deteriorates the delicate valves, protective mucosal linings, and in severe cases, intestinal walls and tissues that weren’t designed for this much acid exposure. Over time we believe this leads to symptoms like bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and for some, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, colitis/UC, and Crohn’s.

Turmeric: How, What, Why
Stomach acid produced during digestion or during times of excessive stress or anxiety flows through your stomach and digestive tract. Given enough time, acid can deteriorate the proactive mucosal lining of your intestinal or colon walls and start to damage your body. This damage causes inflammation and pain.
Turmeric is growing in popularity. It’s inflammation reducing effects are becoming well known even in the medical profession. Unfortunately some companies use simple turmeric root or curcuminoid (its derivative) which makes a substandard and relatively ineffective product. Premium turmeric has been clinically shown to be nearly as effective for inflammation and depression as some prescription medications.**
A premium, effective, turmeric has a laundry list of reported healthy side effects. It has been traditionally used for depression, anxiety, inflammation, blood sugar regulation, arthritis, and Alzheimer's. It’s also known for being high in antioxidants.
It would be great if it was as easy as sprinkling some turmeric on the occasional meal, but this method does not supply the clinical dose necessary for effectiveness.
The active ingredient in turmeric is curcuminoid. This ingredient produces the desired results. Even so, the clinical trials used a high curcuminoid concentration plus an absorption ingredient to increase absorption seven fold!
Since most consumers are not aware of this and these factors increase cost, Most manufacturers leave them out rendering them less effective.
Our family has been taking Rachel’s Tea Turmeric for over 5 years, most of us take it every day. The main benefits are depression/mood improvement, and as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation is the root cause of many health issues including digestive issues).
Turmeric is a well researched inflammation supplement and is readily available online everywhere. We worked tirelessly to track down the perfect blend of turmeric to ensure maximum effectiveness. If you’ve got stress, anxiety, depression, arthritis, inflammation or digestive troubles, we hope you love it as much as we do.
*Disclaimer :"Rachel's Tea is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. If you are seeing a doctor or taking medications, continue to do so and consult with your physician before starting any new eating or nutrition program or changing your medication regimen. We do believe in this program and stand behind our guarantee 100%, but we are never going to be aware of all the conditions or complications that may exist in an individual patient. Doctors or nurses do not supervise Rachel's Tea nor have any trained personnel in any country evaluated its theories or recommendations. None of the statements on this website or within the program have been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency of any government of any country."
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