How does tea help a digestive problem?

This is a great question and believe me, I am going to give you a short to the point answer. Not only that, but the finest, most used digestive tea on the market, is found right here and we also give you the recipe for free. Not just the ingredients, but the recipe.

First of all, here are the most important ingredients that should be found in a digestive relief tea:

  • Peppermint leaf
  • Peppermint oil
  • Turmeric root
  • Slippery elm bark
  • Wild yam root
  • Marshmallow root or leaf (yes, either one works from this one plant)
  • Chamomile flower
  • Ginger root
  • Fennel seed

I’ll keep this part short but the traditional uses of these herbs are: 

  • Damaged tissue support
  • Digestive valve support
  • Intestinal musculature support
  • Pain and discomfort relief/support
  • Inflammation support
  • Natural non-habit forming
  • Anti-gas
  • Soothing flavor
  • Stomach/nausea support
  • Diarrhea support
  • Constipation support

Ok those are the reasons and importance of the ingredients including the list of potential benefits. Now that you understand “what” is in the tea and why those specific ingredients are important, now let’s cover “why tea?”

Within each of these herbs are saponins and terpenes. It is these elements that effect the body. I am not allowed to call them medicines but let me tell you a little secret. Pharmaceutical companies invent medicines like analgesics (like aspirin) to allergy medicines and antacids by taking plant saponins and terpenes and synthesizing them in a lab. Tea therefore is the natural form, and in my opinion, the best form before we turn it into a chemical that may be too strong, and have too many side effects.

This is all well and good but there are other advantages that tea has compared to other symptom treatments, especially for digestive disorders. The advantages are:

According to my research and theories, synthesized drugs work through the blood stream delivering powerful medications to the blood via the digestive tract (in the case of oral medications like pills). The blood in turn delivers medicine throughout the body… to virtually every cell of the body, flooding it with a large quantity of drugs. A very small portion of medicine in such a random delivery system gets to the actual problem.

In other words if you hit your thumb with a hammer and you want to use ibuprofen for pain/swelling relief, you take say 100 milligrams of the drug. Perhaps 1/10th of 1% of the drug reaches the swollen thumb. Ibuprofen is (in my opinion and according to its side effects data sheet) a digestive irritant so it irritates, if not damages the stomach and intestines as it is absorbed into the blood stream. It is not suited to direct application to inflammation or injury. It only works via the blood stream.

Now compare this to tea. Saponins and terpenes in tea herbs are both blood stream and direct contact effective. As you drink tea, instead of further irritating and damaging an already weak digestive system, tea applies the saponins and terpenes directly to inflamed, irritated, damaged, scarred, and even ulcerated tissue. Do you see the difference and the unbelievable advantages tea has.

In our opinion, tea is the best option because it’s 100% natural and goes directly to the source of the problem… Rachel’s Digestive Tea is the only tea in its class. Make it yourself or get it here from Rachel. The only regret you will have is if you don’t try it.

Disclaimer: Not everyone has food allergies or sensitivities for the same reason or will experience the same result with this protocol. We are not doctors, nor are these facts reviewed by the FDA or doctors. We are presenting our theories and experience to show you what has worked for us and others using our strategies. Your condition is not known to us and you should not follow us if in doing so you are avoiding medical advice or treatment.

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