So you're experiencing constipation...

Constipation has a quick easy fix!

We know constipation isn’t fun, but there’s only a few causes:

  1. Supplements and medications
  2. Peristalses (system moving lethargically for a number of reasons)
  3. Dehydration

Your intestines are a flexible tube and need to be properly moving and hydrated to ensure regular bowel movements. Drinking water may be helpful, depending on the case (watch the video above to be sure), but starting with roughly your body weight in lbs, divide it in half and drink that many oz in water, more if you’re active and sweating.

There are two products that are very helpful for constipation:

  1. Rachel’s Digestive Relief Tea
  2. Slippery Elm (any brand will do, it doesn’t have to be ours)

Be careful using laxatives/fiber because it creates a quick dependency that may reduce your body’s ability to evacuate naturally and make things worse moving forward. Our two supplements give your body a natural way to get your system back to functioning normally.

Recommended products for Constipation

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