So you're experiencing carb cravings...

Candida overrun is likely the cause

Your intestines and colon can have too much candida, sometimes multiple POUNDS of bad bacteria, when things start getting out of balance. Carbs and sweets feed this bad bacteria and perpetuate the cycle and they tend to be low in nutrition.

Your body only has two ways to signal to us it needs something… hungry or not hungry. When your body is not getting the right nutrition it’s only way to “request” it, is for you to feel hungry.

Our Candida Support supplement helps to put your intestinal flora back in balance and correct the candida overrun. Then we need to reseed the good bacteria in your gut to properly absorb the nutrition you need with Rachel’s Pro 100 probiotic.

Before you’re properly absorbing nutrition again, we recommend taking Macro Greens. It’s the best supplement we know of for easy to absorb nutrition to keep your body healthy while the bacteria issue is being resolved internally.

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